a regular basis – the trick is to create a balance that ensures you do not push yourself too far. It is important to ensure that you control the pressures and stress in your life and your stress does not control you. Learn to control and use pressure and stress and you can lead a healthier, happier and more successful life. Under some types of pressure you may feel stressed but you will react in different ways to different levels of pressure. Another way of looking at it is that too much pressure, bad pressure and too little pressure can hold you back from your best performances, and living every moment well. Your body responds to pressure, people and situations whether positive or negative by ‘flight, fight or freeze’ – instantly you have a high level of arousal to help deal with a threat or opportunity. Some of the benefits of stress are :
1, Pressure and stress help to motivate us e.g. to learn, to achieve, be more productive, achieve our goals, to study for exams, pass our driving test, be more successful etc.
2. Pressure and arousal stimulate us to get things done
3. Pressure and demands from situations and people challenge us to achieve more than we might otherwise attain
4. Stress and tension can be used in creative ways to make use of energy that would otherwise be lost through distress
5. Pressure, stress and arousal can be the vital ingredient that stimulates personal growth
6. Stress has a positive function in that it can act as a warning signal, rather like the red light on your car dashboard, which encourages you to be alert, prepared and ready to act
Benefits of Working Through ‘Effective Stress Management’
1. Get a clearer picture of how stress affects you and those around you, deal with unwanted pressures and upsets in your life and take firm action to move towards a brighter future.
2. Analyse your own reactions to pressure and choose and use the best ‘Stress Buster’ techniques for your needs.
3. You will be able to relax with techniques to harness your energies, deal with your emotions through self expression, think yourself into a positive mental attitude and take effective actions and build a support network to achieve success.
In today’s world the person who succeeds is not always the one who lives at break neck speed. You don’t need to get dragged down by pressure and stress. You can learn to take some pressure off, slow the pace down and get more in touch with what you really want.